
We provide consultations to complete a project or require a one stop solution to manufacturing problems where technology failure is causing major Production Downtime. We have been highly successful with our experience in assisting the different Industries.

As a response to the increasing competitive pressure, it is more important than ever today to make full use of all optimization opportunities - over the entire life cycle of a machine or plant starting with planning and engineering, continuing into operation and maintenance right through to expansion and modernization.

Totally integrated automation (TIA) is a strategy (philosophies/architecture) in the Automation technology, which defines the interaction of extensive single components, tool (SW) and the services (spare part service, etc.) to achieve an Automation solution. The interaction performs integration across the four automation levels of the automation pyramid:

1. Management level
2. Operator’s level
3. Controller’s level
4. Field level value

The consistency of TIA offers a simplification and cost savings to companies involved in the chain.(System integration planner and end customer).

Sub definition: automation is composed of the essentials of the drives (frequency converter + motor), a programmable logic control as well as a Panel to the visualization.